摘要点击次数: 2203   全文下载次数: 28   投稿时间:2010-02-01  修订日期:2010-02-05  
廖维 liaowei 温州医学院附属第二医院 The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Wenzhou liaowei200887@sina.com 
蔡攀 cai pan 上海中冶医院  
赵顶云 zhao ding yun 温州医学院附属第二医院  
武少坤 wu shao kun 温州医学院附属第二医院  
颜孙芳 yan sun fang 温州医学院附属第二医院  
杨雷* yang lei 温州医学院附属第二医院 The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Wenzhou YL
中文摘要:【摘 要】:[目的]探讨弹性髓内钉闭合复位内固定治疗儿童双侧股骨骨折的疗效。[方法]7例双侧股骨骨折的儿童患者,男5例,女2例,年龄3~13岁,平均年龄8.3岁,均为闭合性骨折,车祸伤6例,高处坠落伤1例。合并伤:肺挫伤2例,颅脑损伤3例,膀胱损伤1例,跟骨骨折1例,无神经血管损伤及骨筋膜室综合征,均为闭合性骨折。均采用弹性髓内钉闭合复位内固定治疗, 2例患者术后采用石膏辅助外固定。[结果]本组病例均获21—37个月随访,平均30.3个月,没有发生切口并发症,无继发骨折移位及内固定物失效或断裂。7例患者14例骨折全部愈合,骨愈合时间7~12周 (平均8.7周),无延迟愈合,骨不连,无旋转畸形,1例出现双下肢不等长(长度差5mm),无髋,膝关节的功能障碍。[结论]采用弹性髓内钉治疗儿童股骨骨折符合生物学固定原则,创伤小,并发症少,疗效满意,是治疗儿童高能量损伤股骨骨折的较好方法。
【关键词】儿童  双侧  股骨骨折  弹性髓内钉
Application of elastic stable intramedullary nail in treating bilateral femoral shaft fractures in children
ABSTRACT  Application of elastic stable intramedullary nail in treating bilateral femoral shaft fractures in children LIAO Wei, Cai Pan, Zhao Ding-yun, WU Shao-kun, YAN Sun-fang, YANG Lei(The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Wenzhou,Wenzhou 325027,Zhejiang,China ) ABSTRACT Objective:To discuss the curative effect of treatment with elastic intramedullary nail in children's bilateral femoral shaft fractures .Methods:seven cases (14 femoral shaft fractures) were treated by elastic intramedullary nail including 5 male and 2 female.The age ranged from 3 to 13years,mean 8.3years. The cases are all closed fractures.Two cases associated with brain injuries and three cases associated with chest injuries.One case associated with fracture of calcaneus.One case associated with injury bladder.with no nerve and blood vessel injury.All cases were treated with closed reduction and internal fixation with elastic intramedullary nail.A cast had been used after operation for a month in two cases. Results:All the patients were followed up for 21 to 37 months,averaged 30.3 months. No compilications of wound, No displacement and failure, No delayedunion and malunion.No deformity. The cases occurrenced compilications including one cases of double lower limbs to differ (length differences:5mm). Conclusion:Treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children's with elastic nail according with biological principle ,less trauma, less compilication, outstanding effect ,is a good way to treat bilateral femoral shaft fractures resulted from high-energy injuries. Key words: Child; bilateral;femoral shaft fractures ;elastic stable intramedullary nailing.
KEY WORDS  Child  bilateral  femoral shaft fractures  elastic stable intramedullary nailing.
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