摘要点击次数: 134   全文下载次数: 0   投稿时间:2018-07-29  修订日期:2018-11-06  
李陶冶* litaoye 杭州市第三人民医院 Hangzhou Third Hospital 604049741@qq.com 
瞿杭波 Hang-bo 杭州市第三人民医院骨科  
张贻春 Zhang Yi-chun 杭州市第三人民医院骨科  
雷文涛 Lei Wen-tao 杭州市第三人民医院骨科  
何帮剑 He Bang-jian 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院骨科  
童培建 Tong Pei-jian 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院骨科  
中文摘要:目的:探讨空心钉内固定治疗跟骨单纯载距突骨折的临床疗效。方法:自2012年8月至2017年6月,采用空心钉内固定治疗累及中距关节面的载距突骨折患者13例13足,男10例,女3例,年龄26~58岁。测量并比较术前、术后1年CT冠状面上跟骨宽度及中距、后距关节间隙距离来评估距下关节面平整度,术后1年采用美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society,AOFAS)踝与后足评分标准对临床疗效进行评估。结果:13例患者获得随访,时间9~70个月。骨折均骨性愈合,愈合时间为8~16周,患足功能较术前明显改善,无一例出现距下关节炎、腱鞘炎等并发症。术前术后跟骨体前部宽度差异﹥10mm,术前术后中距关节间隙距离比较差异﹥2mm,术后中距、后距关节间隙距离差别较小,CT冠状面见距下关节面平整,术后1年AOFAS评分评分77~94分,其中优1例,良12例,差0例。结论:采用两枚空心钉交叉内固定治疗累及中距关节面的载距突骨折疗效满意,载距突骨折块可以得到良好复位,中距关节面恢复平整,足部功能改善明显。
【关键词】空心钉  载距突  跟骨  骨折
Treatment of sustentaculum tali fractures with articular surface displaced by cannulated screw internal fixation
ABSTRACT  Obiective To explore the clinical results of surgical treatment of the sustentaculum tali fractures by cannulated screw internal fixation.Methods From August 2012 to June 2017,All 13 patients haved sustentaculum tali fractures with articular surface displaced were treated by cannulated screw internal fixation,including 10 males and 3 females,aged from 26 to 58 years old. All patients treated by internal fixation with two cannulated screw.Clinical effects were evaluated according to the changes of the CT scan from preoperative to postoperative and American 0rthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society(AOFAS)ankle-hindfoot scores. Results All patients got followed up with an average 22 months(ranged, 9 to 70 months).The fractures were stabilized reliably,the bone union at an average time of 12weeks(ranged, 8 to 16 weeks).Obvious improvement of foot function after operation.No incision complications occurred.The width of calcaneus were absolutely improved from preoperative to postoperative,and the distance of middle talar articular changed ﹥2mm. There were no significant differences between the distance of middle talar articular and posterior talar articular after operation ,articular surface were flat on CT scan.The AOFAS scores of 13 patients at 1 year after operation were 77~94.According to the AOFAS, 1 patient was rated as excellent,12 patients were rated as good.Conclution The treatment of sustentaculum tali fractures with articular surface displaced by cannulated screw internal fixation is recommendable,it can effectively re-stored the surface of subtalar joint,and rapid functional recovered.
KEY WORDS  Cannulated screw  Sustentaculum tali  Calcaneus  Fractures  
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